TO: Vox Proxy Owners
FROM: Vox Proxy Support
SUBJECT: Software Update and New Free Cursor Character (Version 1 and 2 users)


In addition to the feature improvements and bug fixes listed below, we are now including a new CURSOR character with Vox Proxy. It looks like a mouse cursor, can be shown in various forms, and can move around the screen to simulate clicking on buttons, etc. This is a very nice character for trainers. The cursor character can be downloaded from the following link:

Save the character file in the following folder:

c:\windows\msagent\chars (for all versions of Windows except NT and 2000)
c:\WINNT\msagent\chars (for Windows NT and 2000)

This character is available to users of Vox Proxy version 1 and version 2.


We have posted version 2.13 of the VP.W3 program file on the updates page of our web site:

Follow the instructions there to update your program. Be sure to save it to the folder:
c:\program files\vox proxy
OVERLAY the old program file. Note that this update is for version 2 users only. See below if you are using Version 1 and may be interested in upgrading.


Feature Enhancements:

LOOP feature for PlayMedia
This feature allows repeating playback files and is especially good for music.

Success tests for PlayMedia and PlayFlash
Sets &Response variable to 1 if the play succeeded; 0 if it failed. Allows testing with an IF statement. This can be useful with CDPrep. Vox Proxy uses Microsoft Media Player, through version 8, to play media files. If the user doesn’t have Media Player or if they have version 9 (which is not shipped with Windows, but can be downloaded), the PlayMedia command will not work.

Here’s a sample script showing how you can use this feature to play a WAV file if the MP3 file doesn’t play:

PlayMedia “&media\music.mp3” controls=none volume=80
IF &Response isnot 1
PlayWav &media\music.wav

Link slide shows. Allow a slide show to start another slide show and revert to the first when the second is ended. Previously, you could link from one slide show to another, but when the second slide show ended, Vox Proxy would terminate. With this enhancement, it doesn’t terminate until the last slide show is ended.
New comparison functions to be used with IF statements: LT; GT; LE; GE; EQ; NE; NOT; AND; OR
New test visible test. A new function can be used to determine whether a character is visible on the screen. Here’s an example of how it might be used:

IF visible “Peedy”
  Peedy Hide

This can be useful in a presentation that branches to a main, or “menu” slide from numerous other slides.

New variable &datenum can be used with the new comparison functions above to check whether the current date is before or after a specified date.

Bug Fixes:

Selecting Slides in PowerPoint 2002. When selecting slides using the thumbnail view in PowerPoint 2002 (Office XP), the slide was not properly selected, possibly causing the script not to be saved.

Windows-XP installation problem. The TruVoice Text To Speech engine did not install properly on some Windows XP systems. Characters would not speak.

RunSlideShow bug fix: starting and ending slides didn't work
Previously, if you used the RunSlideShow command, the starting and ending slide numbers would not work. The slide show would always start on slide 1.

CD Prep - minor bug fixes; bug fixes related to menu of presentations

Version 1 users wishing to upgrade to version 2 can do so from our web order page:

Click on Order Now, then click on Upgrades. The upgrade cost of $99 without CDPrep or $109 with CDPrep is less than the cost of the ten new characters alone.
For a description of new features and characters in Version 2, please see: